Saturday 26 March 2011

nice to know me

Hi friends, this is awkward, cause my english is deficient, but i'm working on it...i'm gonna try to describe me, a little. Just a little.

in these days the thing that i hate most, is to waking early, and take the subway, and then the bus, uf!  it seems that the people in Santiago are very stressed, and don't look at your eyes, everyone walk fast, almost running, am trying to not do the same, but it's hard. Anyway, i think that all this is caused by the sea, i miss him, so much..

Well, my friends, let's talk about other things. I like to go outdoors, a like to walk too, a like to see people, and that is one of the things that i enjoy in Santiago, there is many people, and weard people..i like to contemplate buildings, of all kinds..i hope to learn how to love Santiago.

1 comment:

  1. I love Santiago! I was born in Punta Arenas. I live in Santiago for study. I like the subway :) But I think that the people here is very stressed...
    I miss the sea so much! (el estrecho de magallanes)
